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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. 62 for season on the dot. Exactly my 22 year average since I moved up here from SRI
  2. Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer. I couldn't leave her if I tried......
  3. March 8th thinking you don't get another measurable?
  4. 2 new moderate snow 31⁰ looks awesome out there. Nice pics guys
  5. Nice dumpage here as well roads are getting greasy
  6. Sweet just really started here Ground already covered and coming down nicely
  7. Not on my 2022 Bingo card but can't wait to see @weatherwizreaction when one parachutes on him. https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2022/03/09/giant-joro-spiders-east-coast-may
  8. 2 inches puts me at my 22 year average of 62. Let's do this
  9. It's going to snow for the next 8 to 10 hrs with the heaviest with low sun and dark. Nice event
  10. That's a great look man. Pretty epic upslope after as well.
  11. What runs the electric grid since all the green peeps are anti nuclear
  12. Billion dollar surpluses . The greatest hurt is on people who can least afford it. We passed a multi trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Enough is enough.
  13. Which states with billion dollar budget surplus will drop their gas excise tax?
  14. They get a delivery in a tank on Mon price is 379, same gas in that tank, 3 days later its 419. How is that right?
  15. Over that for you but NW of you is best PF Phin to Mountains blue bomb to fluff bomb
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