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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Operator error https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ACISClimateMaps
  2. On the ocean in Westerly where the 85 mph wind was recorded. Absolute beast of a storm surf wise.
  3. Fire in Tennessee smokies. https://www.preservecabins.com/smoky-mountain-webcam-of-the-preserve-resort-in-the-great-smoky-mountains/
  4. The surf is the best and as you found this week the powder days still exist. Good times. Looks great for corn production going forward. Some warm sunny days and below freezing night's
  5. People are lemmings. They would rather do the crowded norm and not think outside the box. Best week to ski all year.
  6. Was hoping this was the last blast but looks like another one in the pipe although not like this one still well BN
  7. Coming up on the mother of all Spring storms the April Fools Blizzard 25 years ago
  8. 9 years ago our bud TB lol. No way was I taking my shirt off. He, burned 87 degrees in the sun. We call that snow condition butter
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