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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Exactly my thoughts. Great synopsis Garth
  2. Nah record cold in Europe ruined crops from false spring
  3. Next winter I want an Avalon winter. We are due
  4. Lol I have a lot of that permanently installed. Right ankle has a plate and 4 screws, back has a 8 screw cage with 4 crossbars. Bionic man
  5. Might be a quick fail. Snowing in the Berks right now.
  6. As soon as the first sprouts appear in his garden
  7. Yes sir. No issues with water anywhere. Rivers are full water is ponding on lawns.
  8. Actually the reservoirs get a lot of water in winter before forest uptake.
  9. .60 . Before the rain came first night that it felt like a spring night. Had some sunny warm days but last night felt like spring.
  10. "No cold or bn in sight". Record cold maxes and snow last week.
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