Wow stick season up on the hill here. Valley has Norways and landscape trees blooming but it's only buds here. Hopefully the torch cometh and we can say goodbye to the last gasps of winter chill. Wind already this morning. Need some calm winds for the garden burnout before tilling.
Valleys here are going nutz. Oaks nothing but yea usually by May 7th we green but stick season in my hood. By Sunday next week I expect to have that day when you look up and suddenly realize how beautiful green is compared to stick season.
Looking forward to getting back to shorts tees and flip flops. May has sucked so far. Trees are exploding. Pollen city but it is spring we deal as usual. No shuddering man up as they say.
Mesos are wet to the pike. NAM wants to park stalled LP right at the BM. HRRR and RAP wet as well. Congrats NNE on a nice spring Weekend while we muck it up.