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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. I believe it mowed in a dust and pollen storm today.
  2. Put mine in today. Wow sweet unit. So quiet. App is really cool. Used manual connection to my wifi. Long install but very easy. Will see how it does Sat and Sunday. Definitely ordering another one or 2 if it's as good as I think it is. What's the story on the heat mode?
  3. COC men in suits everywhere taking annual brochure pics. Almost full leaf out
  4. Eweathers shot wow and looked as great with the naked eye
  5. Some breaks of sun but mostly cloudy with a beautiful southern breeze
  6. Too bad Memorial day weekend isn't next weekend.
  7. Just immediately look up the manual and go step by step. Not really difficult for a new unit. Basically set outside bracket and extension arms. Looking forward to it. May buy 2 more this week after testing 1. Question for those with multiple. Can you control more than 1 with App. That feature was a seller for me as we are not home a lot and I need to keep the pups cool especially big boy who hates heat. Being a St Bernard Husky it's understandable. Will sleep in the snow at 0⁰ though. Dog like owner I guess.
  8. Getting mine Sunday. Installation is pretty different but should be easy.
  9. Meh low 60s sun will dry it out more. Settle into upper 50s, all along the shore is upper 50s
  10. Week later. Spring fallish colors are underrated. Getting there but definitely late by a week.
  11. Great minds think a like. Mine will be here Sunday for the refurbished Living room kitchen
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