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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. EPS definitely keeps the 70s/50s all 15 days with what looks like is a pattern change to a rain period. 4 days of rainy here total .1 more pollen mud
  2. Love the Euro weeklies with the heat in the mid section and the NE under a COC regime. Had a nice clearing afternoon now clouds winning again.
  3. Maybe a thousand drops just made pollen mud on everything. It's gonna rain where it wants to rain.
  4. Another traffic death on the Tolland triangle on 84 this morning
  5. Actually from what I have seen and what I have read most who were lame with pain before actually walk on day 1 and get the hang of it easily. Many are still as fast as they were. Hoping for the best! Thanks dude
  6. Our first adopted foster rescue, Tigger, will lose his leg to cancer sometime this month. Started as a limp then bone growth. Biopsy was positive. Tripod dogs can do well but this is devastating.
  7. Total COC weekend enroute. Get the hiking,fishing,biking,camping gear ready.
  8. Some laughed at said I was stoned, drunk when I said it was a decent day here. 2 M temp anomaly says yep I was correct here in ECT
  9. 68 and partly sun was perfect mowing the dust bowl and pollen laden grass. Perfect day for outdoor chores. Fuk that heat humidity shit. It's for office workers with AC or those who live in the water all day.
  10. Stayed in the 80s all day pool 72, we love summer
  11. COC summer days are the way it should be run. Not liking HHH doesn't mean hating summer
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