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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Hot and muggy boys will return for a run starting Sunday. How long it lasts is questionable but HHH for sure on modeling days 7 to 14
  2. This summers play book. Low dews unless prefrontal. Tues afternoon prefrontal muggy but another week another Cocadoodledewlessness
  3. Yo low 50s leading to another winner. Amazing summer so far.
  4. Western Eyewall in Ashaway RI. Fantastic storm. 6 inches of rain. Tornado in the dry slot.
  5. Glad to hear!! Dude is as fast as ever. Amazing
  6. Tigger 14 days post surgery. All surgicallý healed. A 3 legged wonder
  7. 5 but who's counting. This summer must be killing you. Everyone smilin but you and grumpy Tiger. Classic summer morning 58⁰ into the low 80s. Lock it up and in. Tic toc never the Glock just some nuts and a COCThen I step through the fog and I creep through the smog'Cause I'm Snoop Doggy (Who?) Doggy (What?) Doggy (Dog)
  8. We warned them in April but it only took until the middle of July . Lol dude
  9. Crazy differences. We really green. Weed whacking today lots of growth. Garden is plush. .05 last night. Muggy stuff this morning but can feel it dropping now.
  10. Siesta during the day and then massive damage at night.
  11. We also gave some sedation to Tigger and put on beach river sounds and it worked. Actually the 3rd was much worse today.
  12. Same argument every year. COC also has seasons in seasons. Best 4th weekend weather in decades
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