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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Hammering the new deck with 9 penny nailz?
  2. .98 in the stratus now Thunder and still raining
  3. 3 MRIs last 2 months, not good results but we swim, walk in the pool everyday rain or shone. Picked up .25 so far
  4. Muggy stuff. Yard work was brutal this morning. Weeds aren't having a problem growing with no water
  5. After this line passes we sun outs guns out.
  6. Over an hour but who is counting, again shower approaches. Then back to chillaxin and relaxin.
  7. Nice cell heading to the Sherpa mountain guides. Congrats DIT
  8. .82 perfect steady rain. Nice sunset
  9. 2 mesos along warm front dumping copius moisture
  10. Exeter RI is about 7 miles from me. I imagine some flash Street flooding at low areas in these towns.
  11. Some good numbers showing up but only have .10 . Nice steady rain now. A lot to be said about a rainy slow day off after a crazy fun summer and an insane Sunday Funday at Mia casa.
  12. Thanks, if I position myself outside right center field I can watch both games but ugh.
  13. NWS Boston site radar working. Sweet looks like some nice steady rain moving in. Does kind of suck as 2 daughters are playing Championship ball games tonight on separate fields at the same location at the same time. Looks like being rained out is a distinct possibility.
  14. Ah missed that. Haven't had my coffee yet
  15. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02w9fXem4WJjwrRHwWMjrjSH1PY52NQxnGGQkCYPc4NxkafPzMDLYPDsK9hTE5zRarl&id=111022512243327&sfnsn=mo&extid=a&mibextid=7htlnv
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