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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Maybe he meant Providence Pike? 0 here 1 plus there.
  2. Drenched in Tolland whines his way to a months worth this week.
  3. This storm is cranking to my north heading east. woah
  4. I heard many limbs breaking today from the wind. It's those dry rotted branched that dried up. One fell hit my picnic table
  5. Congrats Kev on 3/4 month rain in one week.
  6. Lol. My favorite experience was in 1st grade when a girl went to the bathroom and got bit in the cooch and came flying back into the class jumping around and around with just undies and a tee shirt on. Hilarious. She still laughs about it.
  7. My boys laying it down. Really didn't have that leaving for college experience as a student. It was the 70s I spent more overnights at friends and girlfriends house than home, so going to college was not emotional for me. Parents of course and as a parent and grandparent they leave 1 by 1 and it's that emotional happy sad face every time.
  8. Those eyes lol, looks like a sweet soul.
  9. Um careful we lost a rescue dog who swallowed a squeaker and developed sepsis.
  10. Yes, so sorry, absolutely, Pets are so good for kids mentality and personal growth. Also when a kid needs comfort nothing better than that unconditional love.
  11. Every year in August. This year so much because the ocean churned for weeks. We September the absolute best month for the ocean. All the teachers and kids are back in school. Touristas back in Mass and NY. Big surf, warm waves, free parking, empty beaches for miles and miles.
  12. Always smilin, don't you have some kids to teach?
  13. Severe! Oh wait. You should get a job selling hot dogs and keeping score at Little League games then we will score a great severe season.
  14. Get a dog call it Ĺife then you will have one.
  15. July rocked for 10 days straight. August doldrums usually lots of seaweed and jelly fish. Soon though the offshore storms rock.
  16. It is amazing how many Canes tracks go right over my head. Right front quadrant on the SRI coast is a thing.
  17. Championship games for 2 of my daughters on separate teams separate fields. 1 won 1 lost by 1 in the bottom of the 7th. Good times, great weather. This time of year rocks. Happy anniversary to thy knickers.
  18. I can hear my grass growing today. Instant response all around. The stratiform rain Mon set the stage for absorption yesterday. Clouds breaking up, we chillin and grillin
  19. Over the 40 plus years of weather observing I have had 10s of different kind of equipment, some meh, some excellent. I take my obs pretty seriously. I try to be exact, like Brian, melt snow for W/E with warm water. Stratus is the standard. Cheap and easy. Join Cocorahs and help the community .
  20. Boy you are really in a drought.....
  21. Am begging for an offshore monster storm to get the flippers on and go big. 13 years ago the best bodysurfing day of my life from Hurricane Bill. Go big or go home. Top of 15 plus feet looking over the dunes at the coastal ponds . Then a glance down at 15 to 20 feet of nothing but sand at the bottom. Adrenaline is a great thing.
  22. Paris, Sumner area. Fantastic weenie spot for snow and severe. Good friend lives in Sumner, beautiful spot with huge hills and beautiful lakes.
  23. 1.34 today 2.18 2 day My wife working in Pomfret said the school boiler room flooded, they had nearly 5 there.
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