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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. 2014 they were making snow blowing out the mice at Sugarloaf and Sunday River. Let's do this and Rock a repeat
  2. This post in September Steve-o will remember in December.
  3. 79 here in my shorts after a pool dip while Will dons his plastic Gaucho to ward off the misery mist.
  4. Going in the pool while others have hoodies on. Love New England
  5. Summer here with dews ORH a 30 minute drive is 59 and fall
  6. The multiple time Superbowl winning Off coordinator is terrible? You on crack
  7. Yes! Love Pujols. Raiders up 20 to 0 oh boy oh boy
  8. Giants Pat's Jets Bucs win Judge hits 58 and 59.Need the Raiders for the final parley
  9. No I posted the link to Jeffa snow tables with enso state
  10. Best part will be winter when you are looking east at a wall of death band clouds while you cirrus.
  11. At work in Danielson ocean clouds clearing now but string breeze. Hot lol its 67 at your house
  12. 2 inches of asphalt with 6 inches of aggregate underneath is standard
  13. Dryslot Jeff has the table with snow for all years and ENSO stage. It's is extremely close. Data speaketh the truth
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