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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Hey did you know CT has dial up wx stations in Hamden Windsor Griswold? Also links to like 8 years of data for every day. https://portal.ct.gov/CAES/Weather-Data/Weather/Remote-Weather-Data
  2. Scooter trying hard to troll NNE peeps.
  3. I see you have said the same thing 4 times. You want in? Offer still stands as the original bet. BOTH ORH and BDL futility put up or SU
  4. Nice vortex split. Figure 3 weeks to see.
  5. It's funny how this month is nearly following Feb 18. Some indications we break the chain. Let's hope it follows March 18 as well.
  6. Yep let's see if Scooters hard and fast rule of the Euro trends towards the GFs is in play though.
  7. Lucky sun's gone here but just a tee on although wind is picking up making it colder. Little nip in the air lad.
  8. Haven't had mud yet. Ground has to be frozen deep hearing about all the service lines freezing up. Worst possible time for way below zero. No snow cover ground saturated from month of rain. I was wondering what effect will it have on all those bugs good and bad underground. Unprecedented timing and historical cold on bare wet ground. Will be interesting to see.
  9. Sad winter in SNE. Well I guess I could look at it this way. 7 years ago today, heavy heavy wet snow. No power 2 days
  10. I have seen dry systems pop. No maintenance draining condensation and boom. There goes the air and here comes the water( unless double interlock)
  11. Watching Ct water guys deal with frozen main in Danielson at work.
  12. Warmer at elevation. 26 at my house 19 at work in Danielson.
  13. Hmm guess he doesn't know the meaning of BOTH
  14. Wait until it warms up and those sprinkler systems start blowing. Man I so so don't miss those days. Over the years 94 04 18 had some spectacular failures at work.
  15. Feb 4th with less than 4 inches to go BDL ORH for cripes sake.
  16. Was reading quite a bit of people with pumps were only able to get mid low 60s
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