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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Reminds me of 76, camping the white mountains with my good friend, an Army ranger. Set us up and we awoke to being moved down the Mountain in a flash flood. Tremendous flood like that. Lol I never let him down about that. RIP Sgt Rabbit
  2. Been Bermuda Blues as long as I can remember because of a Bermuda high. Bermuda blue is a color and so is Bahama Blue so who knows.
  3. This is morel like it. Nice breeze. We summer
  4. His temp was 65 how could his DP be 68? 65 DP and below is very manageable with a fan. What a crap start to the day. Useless weather.
  5. . 54 had a sun break but back in the muck again.
  6. If it's cloudy and crappy misery mist for 10 days of high dews who gives a flying fuk
  7. Nice afternoon with breaks. Worked up a good sweat doing the yard and garden stuff. I decided to literally jump in the pool, yea 66 degrees, big shock but felt great. Can't buy sustained sun since May.
  8. Sat cancel Pickles round of golf with his DILFS
  9. Remember when we couldn't hit the 40s in June never mind after the solstice.
  10. Damn, let's just say I have some friends who can hear a mouse fart plus a 6 foot fence. I certainly don't expect any trouble, shit everyone is growing now, making edibles, tinctures. Pretty awesome setups people have. Year round especially with auto blooms.
  11. Never met anyone quite like Kev who loves HHH but lives in an AC world.
  12. Full clouds , strong breeze after a nice morning. Hit 47⁰ this morning, helluva way to run a summer day.
  13. How does an OCD clean person deal with all that dews bring, mold, bugs etc?
  14. 48⁰ pretty late for 40s. Wow first day of summer.
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