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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Just hope we have one blockbuster 48 hour type, those are special.
  2. Great band, I have been thinking a lot. What will I think this year after last years incredible run? I have a feeling that even 1 inch will get me excited but am hoping for a Dec 03 blanket.
  3. The way that ML consolidated was sick, vortex like, as it spun up there were insane snow amounts, when the dude in East Greenwich RI reported 7 per hour I scoffed then he posted pics, my draw dropped then it was my turn in the MCS. Looking at all the loops there almost seems to be a merry go around effect with spokes of energy rotating around with insane rates. The final totals are pretty uniform but I remember the very large hourly reports seemed scattered around a center. Cool stuff for winter.
  4. The 12 th came close hundreds of posts between 1 am and 4, lots of simultaneous. Tsnow obs. The severe storm on 2 feet of snow was a lifetime achievement for me, crazy Epic six week stretch, let's do this again!
  5. That changed 38 inch depth too high to keep the dogs fenced in So
  6. My slightest sliver of a White Christmas
  7. Scooter I absolutely love the caked on look on that garage, triple decker, Jan 05 on the Cape was some of my favorite shots of all time, classic.
  8. Yep, but you and Scooter nailed that call, shot across the bow for CT's early blitzes. Wonder if it's like a TS going into Texas in July, a precursor?
  9. Ya'll know who got the JUJU going last year with the first two inch snow of the season Nov 6th
  10. I hope someone at the conference presents a study on Jan 12th, perhaps the best storm variant wise of my life. The ML collapse and consolidation shows almost tornado physical properties
  11. Easy to see where the continuous 5 damage is and where the actual track was in relation to the warnings discussed
  12. Glad you are safe bro!, perhaps the most heart rendering weather tragedy of my life which has included many. The stories coming out are so sad. Our thoughts, prayers,donations are with your community. Like you said after the media hype dies the reality begins. Let us know what we as a weather community can do.
  13. Just heard the story of the boy who just graduated from high school Dad was driving his Hummer, son gets sucked through the sky roof which was closed, they have not found him, horrible.
  14. 7 miles in 9 mins, just stunning images still coming out, before and after video really tells the story.
  15. Great avatar, if I saw that out my window yikes. I understand what you are saying just stating no freaking way am I staying in the path of your avatar.
  16. Agree, knowing a little is an advantage. Pretty much can not lose by heading due East in these parts.
  17. Living in an area that has experienced a Cat 3, folks here are aware that evacuating the coast is the only way to deal with a hurricane. IMHO if I am warned about a dangerous tornado I am getting the hell out of Dodge contrary to current official advice.
  18. Cable/direct tv, fm radio, XM do not interrupt all channels.perhaps civil defense messages should auto blast warned areas on all media.
  19. Maybe this, since everyone has a cell phone, every cell tower in a tornado warning area blasts an auto text to all phones in the reception area.
  20. Fatalities are so high because there was no place to hide from an absolute beast that was unprecedented in Joplin. Luckily there are not hundreds more dead, total devastation.
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