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Ginx snewx

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About Ginx snewx

  • Birthday 02/10/1957

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Moosup, CT
  • Interests
    Weather Staying alive

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  1. Still nothing wrong with a large Reeses blizzard now and then
  2. Rain to heavy paste. We thought that was the end of the epic winter as 50s and 60 closed out the month, then April 96 walked in the door
  3. Even at 7 it's different. Best time of year for skiing as 4 pm it's still mega bright
  4. I saw brighter sky at 630 yesterday it's coming
  5. Ensembles only go out 15 days so March 8th. What you talking about end of 2nd week on Ensembles Willis?
  6. Not seeing us as an island of cold in a sea of world wide torch.
  7. Deep deep freeze on GFS last 8 days high average 26⁰ low 13⁰ at ORH 19.5 ⁰ average which is 13 BN for that period
  8. Replacement 10 times easier than labrum rotator surgery
  9. Back broken last August dews and HHH gone like yesterday
  10. Average here celestial winter is 32 so about even
  11. @dendrite visited Danielson Airport KIZD today. ASOS good siting off the tarmac on a level hilly spot.
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