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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Good morning and happy new year everyone! Love the 0z and 6z looks. 2025 is off to great start! Let’s keep this ball rolling until it becomes a big fluffy snowball.
  2. Manitoba Maulers were always fun. And give some love to the Saskatchewan Sceamers too! Have fun tonight! Looking forward to slurred PBP later. Mine. Not yours.
  3. Are you running to the store for TP because you sense you’re going to have to shit a lot in the next few days? Or that the shits about to hit the fan? Just wanted to make sure I had that right. Either way…I’m laughing my ass off.
  4. Definitely a better look and a step towards King Euro. I’ll bet happy hour GooFuS will be the one we want to see. I’ll start tailgating for that run around 3:30.
  5. My coffee tasting even better this morning after looking at that 0z Euro and 6z GFS. It’s going to be rocking January. Happy New Year to you all! And damn straight the coffee got Kahlua in it.
  6. So great to have you back in here. Always loved and appreciated your input over the years. And yeah—that’s not a bad look for the 7th.
  7. How bout those Caps! And welcome back #8!!
  8. I mean I would never root against snow as I love the happiness it’s brings to this group, but damn it if I’m still not losing my mind over missing the epic February week of 2010. Me standing in line with the family for “It’s a Small World” scrolling through the forums, people losing their shit in here, and I’m in DFW. Not Dallas Fort Worth, but Disney Fucking World! Ok. Anyway—let’s gets it done before my cruise on 1/18.
  9. Looks like my ambition of a dry January just got canceled.
  10. @Jialready bitching about the back edge of your fantasy storm.
  11. Whoa. That looks epic! You have an awesome wife! I’ve not had that version. Only a few of the standard Dragon’s Milk over the years. Can’t wait for your review of that one down the line one day. I’m definitely waiting for our first WSW to crack open a few special ones as well.
  12. I know everyone here picks apart every model run (and I do at times as well), but I’m all about the bigger picture in general these days. And if Justin Berk’s FB post doesn’t have you all fired up after this one… Looking Beyond This Rainy Weekend.... Let's GEEK OUT a bit about Winter turning WINTRY in the new year ALL SIGNS Point to a VERY COLD JANUARY- and maybe quite snowy... Here is the European Model Ensemble Jet Stream for next Thursday Jan 2, 2025. The start of the colder pattern for the Eastern US. As a high ridge builds for the Western US, it will enhance the pattern. The temperatures are also the ENSEMBLE for Baltimore's BWI. The cold air may be followed by a second stronger ARCTIC PUSH in the second week of the month. The North Atlantic Oscillation chart has a very strong cold signal for this time. Many other global patterns support cold and snow including POSITIVE PNA and MJO in Region 8. The very busy image is the ENSEMBLE SNOW TOTAL. This includes 25 MEMBERS. Yes, the model runs many different versions and if you look closely you can see how that vary. The only reason I would show you this is to highlight.NOT to look for any snow forecast yet. It is TOO EARLY and any weather showing stuff if purely guess work because of the wider variations father out in time. What we can do is look at similar patterns and see what they did in the past. I have, and found these comparisons. These are not forecasts, but an idea of what it possible when we see the collection of global signals: I have seen the 500mb Jet stream analogs: Jan 1977 Jan 1985 BOTH AMONG THE COLDEST ON RECORD PLUS 9 to 12 inches of snow recorded in Baltimore. Dec 1995 - was followed by the blizzard of early Jan '96 32.6 inches of snow total that month at BWI. Dec 2009 - Part of the 3 Blizzard Winter AND All Time Snowiest Season = 77 inches of snow. Jan 2016 = The largest snowstorm on record = 29.2" at BWI. This is not hype. This is all based on data both looking ahead and historically. It all has given me the strongest Faith in the Flakes in almost a decade. #FITF
  13. I didn’t ask Hanukkah Harry for snow porn, but damn! The last few hours in here…the man delivered!
  14. You can’t stop Henry! You can only hope to contain him. Let’s Go Ravens!!
  15. This Ravens game has been a blast!
  16. Back edge syndrome is a real thing.
  17. 1-2” for everyone would be a beautiful gift. Hoping it’s on to something and leading the way…
  18. I’ll bet you are a blast at parties.
  19. I feel like the last few days the band is finally back together here. Need a ton of practice though. Probably some beer too. Not sure we’re sounding great, but damn those dreams of making it big are still alive and well! PS—Damn right. Of course there is beer involved in my posts! Do you even know me!? I can’t even. Oh. And this is the Scraff AI model just so you’re in the loop. Sort of Euro, but mostly American. And my verification scores…..mmmm….not great.
  20. Close enough that we could smell the cigar, just couldn’t smoke it.
  21. Someone should do a study on this development. Seems like the earth might be warming.
  22. When I’m in the mood for a killer hazy, they are my go to without a doubt. When I’m in the mood for ANY other style, I go many different ways on that one. I totally get your drift though. BTW. Human Robot in Philly—some of the best Pilsners, Lagers, etc I’ve ever had (aside from being in Europe). Check’em out if you haven’t already.
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