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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. This is the best weekend ever...until next weekend.
  2. 9”! Give me one more. Radar says maybe...
  3. I’m drinking and bad with measuring things. Eta: My daughter vortex measured again. It definitely is 8. She called me out. Ouch!
  4. 7” easy right now. Just sayin. I’m thinking maybe a few more...
  5. Kids screaming HoCo closed! Now we’re having a dance party in the kitchen. No joke.
  6. That’s what dreams are made of —Van Halen About time!
  7. I see how you roll. All about the CMC. Damn Canuck.
  8. It’s needs to get here! I’m jealous damn it. Lol
  9. No caving! You mean roads are unconditionally surrendering right?
  10. My two favorite hobbies. Hanging out every winter in here with all my favorite snow geek characters. AND well....craft beer. Oh oh! And eggs!!
  11. I cracked this open in hopes of some afternoon deform action.
  12. I don’t get the reference, but will trade you a few beers anyway for some of that deliciousness.
  13. So what are you brewing? And what are you going to call it? “Winter Kickoff”?
  14. Looks like a nice little MoCo/HoCo band is building up.
  15. It stings I know. I’m with you man. It wasn’t a celebration Jebwalk last night, but somehow I still enjoyed it...because you know...snow.
  16. I’m ok with that! Hell I’m content now considering the fact that not too long ago...coach called for the punting team.
  17. I’m a smidge over 5”. If we get coastal love and it cranks, I would think 5 more is doable?
  18. Up for a minute. 4.5” measured. Back to bed for a bit.
  19. I thought you were going to be fringed though. You must disappointed that you won’t be. LOLz.
  20. Seriously! My kids for years always ask if we can go on Jebwalk....like that’s literally the term for peaceful walking in snowy conditions. So cool....
  21. Crazy. You must of heard us. I was talking to daughter vortex about the same thing on the walk. Who has an inside contact at Wikipedia!?
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