I know we have a boatload of Ravens fans in here. So I’m just putting out the final notice on this...
It's the moment you've been waiting for...almost!
After all the fun, legal stuff with the NFL, we are finally releasing #MVP, our Double IPA tribute to our favorite football team and quarterback! The beer release doesn't start until December 28th, but the link to pre-order your cans will be available below starting tomorrow, Wednesday (12/18) atnoon, sharp.
As of right now, there is a one case per person limit (we reserve the right to change this at any time), but keep in mind, there's only 125 cases available! We only have around 60 cases worth of black cans. The first people in line to pick up their cans, will get them. Once they're out, they're normal silver cans. These will be sold in 4 packs with 6 being a case. Please bring either your ticket or have your digital ticket with you so that we can scan and give you your beer. We're trying to not have lines and to make this run as smoothly as possible. We'll have this beer, fun merch, 11 other beers on draft and plenty of other cans available as well. Speaking of merch, we'll have glassware available as well!
Miss Moon Rising will be playing live from 1-4 and Bullhead Pit Beef serving the delish food!
Love to meet as many of you as I can. I’ll be there next week. Fun day and night for sure. I’ll definitely buy my weather crew a beer. Just let me know if you’re coming. We’ll toast a few to Lamar. Hopefully toasting a few to our amazing snow producing patterns ahead as well. No more Pac Puke!!!