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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. I hear ya for sure. Plenty of softies let it in along the way. At least Holts looks rock solid since coming in. Maybe we can still pull this out.
  2. Straight trash. Uninspired. Sloppy. Swiss cheese defense. What else can I add? Let’s remember that they have been one of the best this season as well. So basically this is just an awful slump. About as bad as our winter! Lol. I’m not blaming a lot of this on Holts or Sammy like @Bob Chill alluded too. The goalies been hung out to dry way too much. Can only ask so much.
  3. Whoa! Good to hear from you. Been busy this winter!? Said nobody ever.
  4. We’ve managed some pretty good March storms. 93 being at the top of my list. If it wants to snow in my favorite month (my bday), I’m not kicking it out of bed. Lol. Warmth and shorts season is long enough already. Feels like it just ended as it is. I’m all in for one more attempt at some cold white smoke.
  5. From Cosgrove, it would seem this late February early March look might be the light at the very last end of the tunnel. I mean this doesn’t look bad right? I just have a hard time throwing in the towel. If we have to continue to wait, so be it. Life goes on...
  6. I was just talking about the rain part. Lol. I see it’s a bit different set up though.
  7. GFS late next week looks like yesterday. Frickin atmospheric memory...
  8. Bummer. I can’t see how much digital snow my house gets. Someone put a damn 7 in my way.
  9. I’m just patiently waiting for the happy hour GFS to bring home the Valentines Day bacon. Apparently, all we need is a perfectly timed ejection... ...by a raven. Hmmmmm.
  10. Good try GooFuS. You were oh so close. Maybe one day...
  11. Even when my Cowboys went 1-16 (whatever year that was), it was still a huge win for me since that one win was vs. Redskins! Made my entire season worth it. So I feel like this winter is playing out the same way. We just need 1 damn win. We can do this! F the raging +AO!! PS - new Hysteria Brewing DIPA out today...and it’s great! Hence my goofy post...
  12. Jeez. We can’t even get a real soaker! What a pathetic spring this has been.
  13. Someone needs to fire up the bus. Wait. Should we be in “storm mode”?
  14. It’s definitely trickling towards a better solution. Hopefully we won’t have to flush this one later in the week.
  15. And every few hours we can all feel bad again when you throw another quick and dirty map out. Looking forward to the next one!
  16. It’s over. Damn it early spring! JI saw his shadow....at the Paper Moon.
  17. Holy shnikes! Should I post the It’s happens gif for mid-week??
  18. Now If only JB2 would do the same, the atmosphere would likely go bonkers with a 1609 Jamestown settler type blizzard.
  19. Unfortunately one of the settlers got fringed. What heartbreak that must have been for that poor soul.
  20. Had to DVR tonight. Just finished watching. Man I love Sammy in net. And Ovi is just awesome to watch. Looks like my Gartner jersey (from the 80s) + my Ovi jersey were good ones to purchase! PS - DVRing the game Sunday too. I’ll be watching Cinderella (played by my daughter) at Long Reach HS. I’m buying her jersey next. eta: and if anyone wants to come out March 26, 27, or 29....she is Christine in Phantom of the Opera. Seriously, let me know. Can send info. I can promise unlike our winter, it’s going to be epic!
  21. Oh I definitely know and agree. Just playing around and trying to keep it light this AM. My lack of snow frustration level is at an all time high like many in here. All we can do is push on and hope something breaks our way soon.
  22. Which chapter was that in the weenie handbook again? The final chapter?
  23. Deep breath everyone. I think at this point if we could even manage to be just a one hit wonder, every last one of us (well except a select few - you know who you are) would be super happy to take it and run into spring. I mean our snowiest month is just about upon us. March seems to always be cold AF these days too. I’d put money down to say we score something decent at some point. Until then, just laugh off winter to date, roll with the punches, and find other ways to bring a smile to your face.... ......opens fridge door to find enough craft beer to supply a small army of dancing tomatoes.
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