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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Seriously, call your favorite Gburg beer store and tell them you want some Duclaw Regular Beer. Then, let me know which store. I’ll make it happen.
  2. Damn. I need to check in with my weather / beer drinking peeps in here more often. My fault! I’ve been doing my part to stay with the times though.
  3. I REALLY hope they can at a minimum play out the playoffs. I miss it sooooo much. All this quarantine beer I’ve been drinking would taste so much better while watching Caps playoff hockey.
  4. That was fun for 10-15 minutes. Pretty intense when it came through. A few gusts seem to have been around SVR limits.
  5. When DT shuts it down, then all hell brakes loose. Like clockwork!
  6. My safe spot is next to my beer fridge in my underground basement....next to my TV that continually replays the Kuzy OT winner against the Pens. You know the one... PS - whats the ETA on morning craziness? Need to set some alarms for a Jebwalk. Oh wait wrong thread. Someone get me Delorean!
  7. Just saw that. Looks like a good severe wx beat down for most of the DMV. Might have to set my alarm for the early morning hours so I can go fly a kite.
  8. I believe people listen to him only to go back and troll him. Its fun to see him get shredded on Twitter.
  9. Salt in the corona wound! SMH. Maybe somehow we can score some snow TV out of this one. I’m already tired of Netflix and Disney+.
  10. We can’t even get a rainstorm right! Haha. Oh well. Here’s the good news. It’s almost happy hour! I mean it’s 2:17 pm. I think it might start at 2:18.
  11. I love my Key! One of my brands. That’s a great one for sure. Thanks for supporting local. Also, look out for another awesome coffee stout from Hysteria called Morning After. Just out this week actually. Cheers!
  12. This would be a hell of way to celebrate my bday. I’m sure it won’t happen, but fun to dream.
  13. Oh I’ve seen them already too. They are both very good. I’m just mad I’ll see more snow in a movie than in real life. emoji
  14. So I’ll definitely see some snow today! Apparently the family and I have a double feature planned. Frozen and Frozen II.
  15. I am going to be talking to them today about my idea for a new double ipa. “Mass Hysteria”. I mean how perfect!?_
  16. I live in downtown Venice. Text me when you get here.
  17. Did you ring!? Corona can go to hell!! If you need some “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter”, I’ll take care of you.
  18. Why be a jackass if you made your peace already? Just move on.
  19. Snow TV would be a win in my book. Even if for just a few hours. I’ll bet against it, but would gladly lose that bet if we could pull it off.
  20. Caps huge win. Hi @yoda Eta: Oh and the Mountaineers beat Baylor. Great day!
  21. If it’s the Euro we’re good. It’s happening.
  22. Totally not paying attention in here. What’s wrong with me!? I missed happy hour talk. Woot Stout. Tasty! Have had many times. And now I want crabs! At least my fries tonight had Old Bay on them. Close enough I suppose.
  23. Caps are straight garbage these days. First half of the season was nothing but fools gold. Ah well. We have a Cup and still have Ovi. So I guess I won’t throw my “established in 1983” fandom away tonight. Maybe tomorrow though.
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