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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Maybe you can do some more shots for us too.
  2. Actually I just checked. I’m good. Just praying the shelves hold.
  3. Crush job! It’s going to FOLKEN snow!! I better run to the store now for beer.
  4. I’m assuming everyone is GooFus watching. I’d love to see it fall in line with King Euro. I need some happy hour F bombs!
  5. Where’s @stormtrackerWe might need some F bombs.
  6. But not F word worthy? Mmmm. I’ll pass until I get the F word thrown at me. ETA: The wife just told me to F off with all my snow talk. I guess that counts.
  7. So what you’re saying is we’ll need a storm that can generate its own cold air.
  8. Pulling into Port Canaveral as I type. 51 degrees! It’s freezing. F this!! Actually excited to get home. Not that I wasn’t rooting for everyone, but happy I didn’t miss much. Looking forward to those snow opportunities in February. Have a great Saturday friends.
  9. Drunk AF in the Atlantic. I’m bringing home the SE ridge and a bottle of dark rum. Home Saturday. All the Caribbean heat has melted my brain. I’m ready for the tan to be sucked back outta of of body so I can get back to my winter whiteness. So when’s the next tracking window. Eff this 80 degrees shit and drinking all day. I’m back for snow! ETA: My dad just cut me off. Good call.
  10. What day that snow coming to FL!? I’ll be back in port on Saturday. Wouldn’t that be the shit!? I go on a cruise sending pics from the Caribbean. Days later finishing with Florida snow Jebwalks pics. Ain’t life grand?
  11. Ripping fatties here. 2 mojitos, 1 gin and tonic, and 3 90 Min IPAs. What a Ravens tailgate! I’ll be watching and cheering for sure!
  12. Had to settle down a bit. Sessioning 90 Min IPAs won’t end well. So I switched to Mojitos. GET THAT SNOW EVERYONE!
  13. Got some obs for you. 2-90 min IPAs in. Rain snow mix at 76.
  14. 75 and clear. Calm seas cruising st 21 kts. SPF 50 applied to keep my winter white from turning cooked lobster red.
  15. I don’t know where da fuck I’m at. Somewhere in the Atlantic enjoying football in a bar, 6 deep in drinks, watching football, and praying for snow for everyone…except rain for @stormtracker Seriously, hope everyone cashes in tomorrow. Living vicariously thru you all. That said, 82 and sun at sea tomorrow feels ok too.
  16. Good morning! Look forward to hearing all about it from the HoCo crew tomorrow. I’m guessing solid 4-5. Either way, whatever falls, I’ll be living vicariously through you all this go around.
  17. Already in FL. Cruise is tomorrow. I hope you rain and rain hard. And it snows in Georgetown.
  18. I just got an alert on my phone. It’s an FFIW!? Fuckin Falling Iguna Warning! How the hell am I supposed to Jebwalk in that!? Probably should put the drink down now…
  19. Just landed FL. And sadly missed the entire week of fun. All good though.
  20. I mean I’ll be stuck in Orlando as a worst case scenario. Guess I’ll miss another BECS waiting in line again for its a small world. Just like February 2010. Seriously. That sucked missing that.
  21. You bastard! I hate (I mean l love) this place.
  22. Aside from Sunday, rooting no storms this week until after next Saturday at 6pm. Thanks! Sorry not sorry. Pains me to root for nada for everyone until then, but it’s sort of like me rooting for a Commanders win (as a Cowboys fan). F the Lions. But anyway. Not sure what my point is except that I’m pre-gaming my flight at BWI currently, and I don’t want to miss the big dog! Oddly enough, I’m drinking Flying Dog Truth. And thats the truth! See what I did there?
  23. How bout that guy named Ovi!!! Beast.
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