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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Fuuuuuuu. I drive home from DC and we got Short Pumped! Oooof!!
  2. 38 mins left on the meter. Hurry the F up! I’m old school and not using ParkMobile. So I can’t re-up just sitting here waiting for you. The free beer options are heading towards sunset.
  3. Swing by!! I’ll treat!! I’ve got an hour and 45 on the meter. And sorry for the banter in here. Back to our storm now…
  4. Have you guys looked at the German model? It’s phenomenal! Gives my backyard 12oz of pilsner. PS—Anyone in DC today and need a beer? I’m working remote today from Other Half Brewing. It’s a rough life, but someone has to do it!
  5. Is “dropsonde” code word for “fuck your snow and get a life outside this forum”? Asking for a friend.
  6. Ewwww! Don’t drag me into your old age home and 5:00 GFS dinners
  7. Is this the old AF person thread!? Damn it!! I hate me! December 2010 I found this spot after Eastern WX. I mean I was using an effing Blackberry to type in here at times. Yes kids. I used fruit to text and email.
  8. HOCO might just say F it and do the same.
  9. He should go to @stormtrackerhouse to guarantee the rain.
  10. Happy hour started an hour ago, but let’s go GFS!!!
  11. Wish I had mentioned this sooner. Anyone in the HoCo crew (or even beyond), I’ll be at Friscos / Reckless Sheppard tonight for my RAK Brewing tap takeover. I’ll be there 5-7:30 or so. Come by, hang, I’ll buy you a beer.
  12. Boom goes the GooFus! Time to buy a 3rd beer fridge!!
  13. Idiots! Are they trying to lose the best opportunity to get the #1 pick!? Probably doesn’t matter anyway. They would still pick the wrong guy at 1.
  14. I’m so mad right now. I was given samples of 6 different Woodford Reserves. Multiple samples of beer. And now the GFS only spits out 9” for my back yard. Life sucks!
  15. Not enough wiggle room? I can’t figure it out either. However, the Scraff Beer Fridge Index looks great! I’ve given myself more wiggle room by clearing out that upper shelf ginger ale box. Should be just enough room to add 12-15 more beers.
  16. I hope the night crew brings it home. I expect to wake up to 50 pages of F bombs after the Euro run obliterates the DMV.
  17. Did I miss a few pages in here this winter? When did we start caring about the ICON? Or we just bored and waiting for GooFuS?
  18. Great Caps win tonight! Played very well. And Ovi getting closer!! Love it.
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