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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. Gaining America and losing Canada? Not sure I dig this.
  2. Is this a trick question? Asking for my other black friends.
  3. The Palm! Nice. Wife and I had a beautiful candlelit dinner in Cava this evening.
  4. I’m out. Awful run. This place sucks. Thanks everyone for nothing. ETA: secretly cracks 53th beer today with the weird monkey sideways eyes meme looking straight at me.
  5. It’s probably only 500+ beers in the basement. Your house worth how much?
  6. Me me! Plans to meet my friend Randy in Georgetown for drinks. Should I bring an umbrella?
  7. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue! Holy fuck!! Yes. I just saw the Euro between beers. I mean glue sticks.
  8. Heading up to 5th Company now in Perryville. Not sure I’ll be back until 4. Keep ya posted.
  9. Hurry the hell up already! I got a brewery I need to get to.
  10. For Valentine’s Day (I love you all), we’re just going need to get a little 12z yank and banger.
  11. Just go cuddle up on the couch with your hubby, throw some ice cubes on the floor, and go watch your wedding video.
  12. Well I see you guys blew happy hour GFS. What the hell happened!? Oh the jokes we could make.
  13. Just playing catch up between sampling and selling beers today. So we need a happy hour yank and banger? Got it. Keep up the great work in here. You’re killing it!
  14. And only 5” for @Maestrobjwa Bummer.
  15. Appetizer to next Thursdays flizzard?
  16. I need a beer for this battle royale.
  17. He was arrested a few years ago on some sex charges. Just google it if you really want the background on that creep.
  18. F the Euro! The GFS is the new Dr Yes!
  19. 3.5 on the nose here. Love to squeak in 1-2 more. Doubt it, but we shall see…
  20. Anyone know how Short Pump is doing? Asking for a friend.
  21. Just got a solid measurement of 2.5”. We abscond.
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