… Foot on the pedal, never ever false metalEngine running hotter than a boiling kettleMy job ain't a job, it's a damn good timeCity to city, I'm running my rhymes!
No sleep till!
Brooklyn—you got me all the hell in now. Reel it in!!
I’m all in for another shot at winter. That’s what we’re here for right!? Why would you give up now? Snow is snow as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care what month it is! As long as these looks continue to improve over the coming days, those who have already gone cliff diving into another cliff will be back (as ghosts).
I’ve missed all the festivities today. Too busy watching the Caps implode like our winter. LOLz. Good news though. I’ve been tailgating (and will continue) for the HH GFS. Can’t wait to see the next dumpster fire! LFG!! I want to see a cutter all the way up back to Minneapolis at this rate.
Happy Friday! Enjoying this digital blizzard. I’ll be Jebwalking in it momentarily. Anyone want to meet up at the sledding hill for some digital coffee stout?
Man I’ve been working all day / I mean drinking for my job. It’s a rough life, and somehow I get paid for it! Cry me a river I know! Lol. What’s the latest and greatest on our fake me out next Saturday storm? Break out the “it’s happening” gif?? I not scared. I’ll do it! All chips in mofo’s!! Cheers—obviously.
Is our BASE STATE due to climate change? I’ll see myself out now and suspend my account until the day it snows. I’ll miss you all, but I have 7,953 beers in my fridge. That should be enough days to see snow again right!? I’m terrible at math.