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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. The more Other Half you drink, the funnier the meltdowns get.
  2. Big Tool fan right here. Didn’t go to the Baltimore show, but saw them in DC a few years ago. Amazing band. \m/
  3. My takeaway from the 12z suite—we all should see snow falling next week to give us the warm and fuzzies. It just seems to be a matter of how much. My forecast—flurries to 10”. That should cover it.
  4. I yelled FFS and threw my phone across the room. I’m cool now. I’m cool. Let’s get this!
  5. Ok. It’s GooFuS time! Good luck to everyone and their backyard snow dreams.
  6. ETA - My fault wrong thread. Thought this was the Panic Room.
  7. Not read one page in here in the last hour and a half. Damn brewery meetings and beers getting in the way. Did I miss anything? ETA— So I see I’ve been GooFuS magenta’d. I abscond…
  8. Ok. Let’s make happy hour GooFuS count! One way or another, I’m in….happy hour mode. PS - Love what I’m seeing in the trends today. It’s goin snow!! Fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc etc.
  9. The Jebman Total Obliteration Thread. That’s EXACTLY what I (and all of us) needed to wake up to. Well that and some GooFuS & Euro love. Game on! Someone needs to see if the old bus can even run anymore.
  10. The GooFuS just hates us. Let’s hope that’s not the final solution getting kicked out. I wouldn’t think so, but the way things have gone so far…
  11. Nobody should be complaining about a what looks like a cold front and flurries.
  12. Forget weekends! It just rains. Our new “base state” is upon us.
  13. Torching at 31. And who cares what my dew point is….
  14. I don’t have enough tissues left in the box to wipe the tears of laughter…
  15. The SBFI Index is now in its negative phase. It’s a pretty sad look from just a few weeks ago. We need a winter storm beer pattern reshuffle. If only @psuhoffmanand @Jebmancould tell us how to turn this around, we could save the winter (but definitely not my liver)
  16. Beautiful! 1” of liquid in my IMBY! Hopefully I can get 5 minutes of flurries before the switchover to rain.
  17. TT is actually run out of @Jebmanbasement.
  18. It’s a good thing the Euro was dethroned a few years ago by King GooFuS.
  19. Same. It just trended back to a direction we mostly like, but we can do better. I’ll bet happy hour GooFuS improves upon this run (F what the Euro says in a few hours).
  20. It would seem todays model runs are are the most important. Our storm and its associated energy hits the west coast today. Better sampling for the models (good or bad) is definitely forthcoming. If it looks terrible by tomorrow morning, then we can commence our ritualistic cliff diving party. For now, no model consistency = game still on until proven otherwise.
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