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Everything posted by Scraff

  1. For what it’s worth, the Weather Channel is saying 3-5 for just about everyone in here. Even mentioned a little upside potential. However, they did mention Georgetown specifically, and how those living in that quadrant of DC are completely fucked on this one. I was like whhhhhhaaaat!
  2. I nearly spit out my bee….I mean protein shake.
  3. Every storm this year has had a bit more juice as we closed in on game time. Shouldn’t be any different here. My bar is 4-5 for the Hoco crew.
  4. All that runway heat island effect. Or it’s just climate change.
  5. Same! Maybe as we get closer we juice it a bit more and get some 4-5” lollis.
  6. Pass on the NAM. When do the real pro models run? You know like Deep Thunder, CRAS, the Farmers Almanac. ETA—here we go with Rayno…
  7. I’ll start by saying I’ll take a nice overnight few inches. Super happy with that option. Friday into Saturday would be perfect for beers, Jebwalks, and acting silly all night in the OBS thread. However, for shits and giggles, how do we wrangle that gulf moisture into play? It’s intriguing. And we’re 3 for 3 in getting things to go our way. So thoughts?
  8. In tribute, I’ll go listen to the new Pearl Jam song for the 5th time. Lol. But yeah, definitely got a classic feel.
  9. Damn. Pummeling down right now. Wish this had started when my alarm went off at 6am.
  10. They’re getting kinda of old, but can still shred with the best of them. Don’t know if they can keep this up every winter, but I’ll buy a ticket every time they come to town. ETA: Just hit the stage. Unfortunately they said it’s their last song today as they see JI screaming about a back edge or something. Meh. Whatever.
  11. Damn it! A ball of fire in the sky is coming up in the east. That pivot better happen fast or we are totally screwed.
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