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About Scraff

  • Birthday 03/23/1970

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Elkridge, MD
  • Interests
    Winter Storm Tracking, WV Mountaineers, Caps, Cowboys, Craft Beer, Fitness Training, and Varying Levels of Heavy F’ing Metal!

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  1. Happy for those that cashed in. I’ve had the windows open, soft breezes, Irish music jamming. Hell of a day.
  2. This is literally the funniest forecasted day of rain I can remember! It’s like effing Boxing Day with “rain”. I couldn’t clasp my hands together and squeeze a drop of liquid out of any cloud. Dry AF! Well….next?
  3. Not a drop of rain with no breeze so far today. We do severe like we do snow.
  4. Actually. I love Myrtle Beach, so this would be ok too.
  5. Been rooting for the north shift all winter. Now I have to root the south shift!? Fine. One last ditch effort for all the taxable tea in China. Let’s do this!
  6. Oh I forgot. Caps for you every day, but not vs. the Blues. Congrats I guess??
  7. So what’s going on with the Caps these last 2 games? Definitely not themselves. Maybe it’s just a week long hangover after scoring a million goals last weekend. Or maybe it was 100,000 goals? I don’t know. I’m terrible at math.
  8. Let’s have at least one more fun tracking run and opportunity anyway. I’m down for our last possible score, but I’m also good with spring soon thereafter.
  9. Incredible watching history. First Gretz, but Ovi about to steam roll that. So happy that my window in life gets to witness the greatness from both of them.
  10. Nice! I would have considered stout fest, but I don’t miss Caps games if I can help it. Don’t worry though. I’m drinking some Other Half and Sapwood gems.
  11. How bout dem Caps!!! Ovi creeping closer.
  12. Thanks Jebman. Are they getting obliterated and destroyed by white asteroids that you’ll be happy to shovel from here until eternity?
  13. How ironic. I’m about to walk into a bar for 2 hours.
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