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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. The storms that were just north of here dried up fast....today is just brutal, hottest with heat index in a few years.
  2. The only day it seemed unrealistic was on Monday with the 90f while everyone else around was 84-87
  3. Yesterday afternoon was a furnace with 94-95 and low 70s dews but this morning wasn't bad at all. Mid 60s and dews around 60. Kinda surprised, maybe today won't be as bad
  4. I guess the heatwave already is off and running as Bdl hit 90. It wasn't that warm here just over the border, 86-87. That airport is a furnace.
  5. Top 10 day here for sure. Just gorgeous
  6. You must be in your glory but after this week I hope it's back to coc wx.
  7. I have had Ryan Halls live feed on most of the night. My God Tennessee and Alabama! Sick sick super cells. Pray for those folks.
  8. I was in East Long meadow at the park looking due west right into the thing. Most of the lightning seemed to be cloudy to cloud bolts..it was pretty cool
  9. I know... I was worried for awhile. I guess just to the north and east
  10. Looked way worse on radar than ground truth, at least here anyways Thank Goodness
  11. I guess this is the most appropriate thread to grade the past winter D The only thing that kept this from being an F was the 1/7 event that put down a foot of snow, which for my area is impressive in any winter. I think we only got down below 10f once and there were no cold days below 20f for a maximum which is rare. Just a handful of daytime maxes in the 20s. Number of days with an inch or more snow wasn't the worst but was low at 18. Almost 30 inches below normal snowfall...40 percent of normal. Better luck for everyone next winter
  12. Next week should be plenty out west to watch....grab the popcorn and enjoy!
  13. Pouring finally with some sleep mixed in at times...38f
  14. Next week sounds dreamy .. the whole week. April says welcome!
  15. Car thermometer says 30f but it's all liquid on all surfaces. Even if it's off a couple degrees, this is as cold as a cold rain gets. Thought we would've had more sleet last night.
  16. I hope they get buried up north. At least someone gets a good winter storm.
  17. Mid to upper 40s and overcast with a chilly breeze. Had to put the hoodie back on.
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