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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. 1 to 1.5 new on elevated/grass.....some beautiful snow growth earlier
  2. The thought of a solid event happening 2x down here in my lifetime in October is kind of mind boggling....down here a solid event is 2-3 inches of more. I don't expect the first inch b4 mid Nov down here
  3. Awesome rainstorm here, we missed just about every tstorm this summer so this past week has been wonderful
  4. Thank goodness for that strange event beginning of the month in December, with a round 2 that was the first real positive bust here in decades
  5. The point and click had it for down here
  6. September will probably have triple digit heat
  7. Pretty breezy but there are tons of buildings, houses and trees but I am sure it's crazy in more open zones....hoping it diminishes soon
  8. Forget the plains too, it's all about Dixie for deadly severe or any real severe
  9. Not For Nothing....but are the Severanistas happy with Mother Nature regarding the regions first event yesterday??
  10. Wow, you are no longer a member of death valley
  11. Flurries and graupel in Agawam but quiet here in death valley, sky looks wild out that way too
  12. They definitely do a little better for snow.....won't be the same down here without you
  13. Felt like early March today with the strong winds and scattered flurries...not bad for April 22
  14. Ended up with at least an inch with steady light snow until about 930 am
  15. I guess we never got the maul\crosshair\fronto feature you fellas talk about....still for April 18th we had some periods of wet snow....maybe half inch on the coldest surfaces
  16. Just took out one of my dogs and that is a snow sky for sure if I ever saw one, just a tiny disc of dim sun in the Western sky
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