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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. The tornado came dangerously close to both of us back in 2011...that was pretty exciting, no?
  2. Well its been a minute since we had to deal with this really messy stuff around here so I figure we are due
  3. Two inches of cold rain after some wintry mix is a nightmare recipe around here....there's so much ice already and then Monday flash freeze....good lord
  4. We will have as nice glacier fairly region wide next week. What a shame though to not get any kind of accumulating snow with that kind of man cold. And what a base to add on.... well I will keep hope alive for a miracle.
  5. Here in Springfield maybe a quarter inch...amazing how well you guys do just a few miles away
  6. If we can get one inch here tonight and glaze it over and then two inches Saturday before the changeover we may briefly have 6 on the ground. There has been very little melting this week. My definition of deep winter is 6 or more inches otg. Even if its just for an hour or two its something.
  7. Exactly. You guys up there could very well have a foot or so of glacier which will be perfect to add depth too right into mid March if it stays even seasonably cold. I think big things could be coming for C and N New England.
  8. And this year that's a win....who knows maybe that half foot of cement will be a great base to a footer later this month or early March
  9. Some of us are trying to claw and scratch our way to 20 in for the season. Don't be a negative Nancy, its not a good look.
  10. This is all a bummer. I didn't expect much but thought an inch or two tonight then a few Saturday followed by much And we'd have a net gain....even that's too much to hope for
  11. So then a few inches of snow first on Saturday is off the table ? Or it doesn't matter since it all gets washed away. Early next week looks frigid geez
  12. My point and click has rain changing to snow and back to rain so many times over the weekend. I feel dizzy.
  13. I lived in Bristol CT during that event. We had a lot of thunder and lightning later in the evening I don't remember much about flakes size but it snowed at least two/hr for several hours with peak rates in the thunder snow reaching three/hr briefly. We picked up 18-19 inches from that and temps were right below 30F . That was man snow. We likely had around 2 inches melted equiv. With the six inch glacier beneath it we averaged just over 2 feet otg. Awesome storm!
  14. I remember well the morning of the Feb 01 storm. The radar just exploding off the NJ Coast. That was the last time I saw Thunder snow in an event.
  15. This event was serious fun up here. 16 inches fell during daylight hours
  16. That was a cool event. It took awhile to get the better snow growth here but once it did we got 18 plus in 6 hours! We ended up with just a shade under two feet. The only bummer about 2/13 was that it happened at night
  17. Maybe we will get a good surprise before winter ends. One can only hope.
  18. I don't think I had four. I'm going with 3.5.....just to our West had that though.
  19. That picture with the sun through the cloud canopy and deep snow cover is just beyond words to me. That is about as beautiful a shot of deep New England winter that I have ever seen.
  20. Looks like about 3 here in the heart of death valley. Light snow/poor growth. About what I expected for here but I am surprised southern CT didn't do better. I really thought it would really rip down there and for longer
  21. Nothing yet. I'm thinking 3 here, maybe 4.
  22. I thought one of the NAMs strengths was thermals.
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