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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. Wow Give me a snow squall with this much moxie some winter day
  2. Memorial Day Weekend cold rain and 40s... 2 for 2 so far for the big summer holidays...
  3. Twc local forecast has 80 percent chance of storms this afternoon. I thought today was well capped??
  4. Reminiscent of July 1995 heat in some spots
  5. No problems here making it past 90. 96,95 and 91 the past 3 days
  6. Did anyone like Mitch or Powder freak have any wet snow or sleet mixed in yesterday? It was low to mid 40s with pouring rain for a good part of Fri night and yesterday in the lower valley so who knows with 2 or 3k of elevation?
  7. I was scrolling through some of his sister's posts, looks like he had a bad case of Covid. Sounds like his Mom has it too and she is in the hospital on a ventilator. James and his Mom shared the same room when he passed. James Mom doesn't know that James was even sick. It's all just heart breaking. I had some great chats with him on here and will always think fondly of him whenever there is a snow event that gets the outer cape. I hope it's belly to belly big winters where ever you are James. Thank you for everything here and please say hello to Nate if you see him as I am sure he is also in a place where deep winter reigns supreme
  8. B.....below normal snow by almost a foot but two double digit events and a pretty wintry February certainly helped
  9. So weird...it looked yesterday you would do ok even in the valley.. Here it's back over to a light mix but we had a few hours of decent snow. Up to a half inch on some elevated surfaces
  10. 35 light rain with a few cat paws mixed in
  11. I am so psyched for you, this could really be epic for your area
  12. Is there a reasonable shot at some wet snow or ip mixing with the rain in Death Valley? Just enough to say last frozen of the season was 4/14-15
  13. Hope it snows late week...hate this heat already
  14. Kinda sad, all this cold weather this month and nothing really to show for it...I didn't think I would finish winter a solid ten inches below normal either
  15. So much rain in all those storms, what a nightmare. I don't know how the folks down there deal.
  16. What the hay is Alexandria Steel wearing on TWC today!?!?! Those shoulder pads are right out of the Dynasty wardrobe and Joan Collins and Linda Evans are both jealous....
  17. I'll never get over that one...those are great pics though
  18. The cold isn't that far away next week. I wouldn't write the middle and end of the week off just yet
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