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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. That NWS doesn't have confidence greater than 50 percent for HFD/ SPFD 6 plus is kinda depressing Nothing we can do about the weather, seems like Jan 2015 allover again and again the Euro moves far enough east to get a large chunk of the region out of the goods
  2. Its true though, he isn't exaggerating.... furthermore he has had piles of cute but potent smaller events (quick 2 to 4 plus) that have seemingly come out of nowhere for his area....He is the Savoy or Florida mass of the south coast
  3. I almost took the bait on this one. What bothered me was when this stepped away from a more southern low (classic Miller A) a few days ago couple with no blocking. I am so snake bitten by lows developing offshore then being captured and tugged N or NNW ( it just is rare that it happens and has the power to drive heavy snows back WOR. ) It was so exciting for awhile to hear the jubilee surrounding effects of a monster storm etc. All the trustable members were on board. Ginxy's excitement was intoxicating. The euro has been reading too many Ray Bradbury stories the past few years and just cannot be trusted
  4. That miss still makes me want to vomit, that was just horrible. I was a junior in HS. I remeber we had a PDD and I was out at breakfast and the sun was getting brighter and brighter but Dr Mel still came on every few minutes to tell us 6 to 10 inches was still coming...Finally around 8 hours later while ACY was enjoying near white out conditions the locals finally admitted it was over for us Ct folk
  5. I wish there was more and better data for southern RI from PT Judith on east. I think there were a few very cold storms in the 60s that buried right to the beach. I saw a few pics from the 60s with Galilee buried under what looks like 15 inches or more. Wind makes things tough in your area too.
  6. Nantucket has had some monster snows over the years, your so hot to trot on the south coast/Islands getting shut out as a phenomenon related to climate change. Never know, maybe this one winds up being ACKs next 2 footer
  7. Seriously though, let's see big snows from the south all the way up the eastern sea board. So many storms mentioned by Ludlum of blizzard conditions from Norfolk VA to down east Maine with big snows reaching well inland
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