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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. My sweet old girl is the same age and the ice has made going outside for her miserable. She keeps going on the living room rug I think bc it feels like soft grass. Just keep cleaning it up, I can't get upset with her.
  2. He reminds me of me ten to fifteen years ago when purple unicorns were building snowmen in his yard
  3. I was wondering if it snowed anywhere. I was watching ack obs for awhile but it was ZZZZ
  4. I believe CC is very real but that certainly doesn't mean its never gonna rock again snow wise. We may get a few monsters due in part to CC at some point.
  5. That your idea of scraps? Sign me up lol!
  6. I know. I was thinking how could he have gotten it that clean?
  7. Unfortunately I can answer this question. I was able to walk on top of the stuff in the driveway that no one removed but in the yard I dented the glacier an inch or so.
  8. Starting to rack up a lot of BN winters...Even if I cut the average down to 45/season...were still running way below the last 20 years
  9. I hope you guys can get a big storm and set some depth records
  10. I had a little over 4 inches, I guess all things considered we did okay. Not much frz RN and we missed some of that heavy rain when it was just above 32. Concrete half foot or so otg
  11. A few good gusts earlier but thankfully underwhelming here too.....ice ice baby on most secondays and sidewalks though
  12. Good. Maybe we'll get another shot or two even if its small stuff
  13. We have dodged a bullet rain wise and earlier frz rain wise.....and yet the slush and puddles are epic and its only 34 out......this will be granite by tomorrow morning. I guess it will probably be around awhile
  14. With the last couple including today's we are at 22 inches for the season
  15. He's a good dude. He survived years and years down this way.
  16. Yeah I don't get it . Who wants to be without power early next week or ever really... nevermind all the other hazards
  17. We have at least four inches of stuff. Gets us to just under halfway of normal
  18. I was thinking we had the chance at a nice deep pack....I got so excited when I saw Miller A. I'm hoping we can at least get it close enough for an inch or two of powder.
  19. Snow/sleet mix....looks like close to 4 inches... Snowed almost ten hours pretty good for a SWFE just rates were weak
  20. Might be close to 3 but I had hoped a little better than this by now. I was really hoping for about five before the flip....like very very light baking soda now
  21. An inch or a bit more. Steady light baking powder with a few bigger flakes mixing in from time to time
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