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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. These icy roads and sidewalks blow. Can't wait for it to be gone, especially if winters gonna be lame. At least we had one good storm
  2. I think 17-18 was close, every other year since was ten to thirty inches below and 17-18 here wasn't anything special that March and early April like it was elsewhere in SNE
  3. 1/05 and 1/15 weren't great for all of SNE
  4. 2.4 final...way more icy mix than I thought we would have...the mix line was well NW of I95
  5. I was gonna tell my housemate to cancel work or take my car but he cancelled anyways. We have an inch so far. I still think northern Mass may do alright.
  6. When was the last storm that really produced widespread foot plus totals over far SE Mass, the cape, ACK and MVY?
  7. Just like that....a nearly blinding snow squall and gusty winds where I am at Heritage Park.....best one I have seen in years...coating anyways
  8. Had some flurries and it's breezy...
  9. Ok. I always wonder about the weather up there. Glad the far north got some good snow.
  10. I can't believe they were able to measure it with all the wind
  11. Some flakes to start even here in the bowels of DV.... I know it won't last but any flakes are nice to see
  12. It boggles my mind how well these cutters are forecast and the weekend's no slouch either.
  13. six from part 2....some great rates and stunning growth a bit earlier...11 inches storm total so far....snow lightened up recently but still solid...finally got a nice taste of what we so often miss in snow events.
  14. Finally get to see what beautiful snow growth is like, we got a good two inches of fluffier snow today so far which gives us around 8 inches which is a decent event. The stuff from last night is frozen and wicked heavy, ton of moisture in that
  15. Nice...there's probably an inch or two more just outside of town.
  16. Not double down here, maybe south of the border...solid but nothing exceptional
  17. About 6 inches, maybe a little under that.. flurries. Stuff last night super heavy weight wise.
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