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Everything posted by codfishsnowman

  1. Looks boring for the next week but Tip was right about the warmer signal almost a week and a half ago. Was hoping for another modest measurable event but am glad the ice is gone.
  2. I am the last person to find wind events, especially post frontal interesting but since early afternoon yesterday its been WINDY!! Last night around ten pm we had to have gusts over 50, perhaps threatening sixty and not just one but numerous. This morning again some house shakers. Scattered snow flurries and colder makes it feel like a beautiful March day.
  3. Oh good grief...the memories lol....that Sunday night I knew something was wrong when it changed to ip after an inch or so
  4. Make that waist deep in some places up there lol
  5. 20 degrees with a -4 dp and NW 20-30 mph and still some snow/ice on the ground on 3/2 is kind of wintry.
  6. This thread is hilarious today ....who needs snow lol
  7. And some places just north of the city had significantly less. If I remember correctly there was a thing band of heavy snow right through the southern half of the city in the early stages of the storm.
  8. The only thing memorable about that storm back here was temps in the afternoon were frigid in the low teens and it was pretty windy. Snowed 12 hours to get about four inches lol
  9. Do you remember if any of those big storms were forecast? I know weather tech was more primitive but they often had an idea that it might snow.
  10. That was epic in your hood (orh). I remember the flags blowing straight out from the East that Thursday night when it began. Something I hadn't seen in some time
  11. There was an Alberta Clipper in Feb of 1990 that put down about ten inches of snow in central CT with some redevelopment off the NJ Coast then headed east. That's about as close as we came.
  12. Well I feel for you man. I guess I am grateful to be more used to disappointment out this way. Get numb after awhile the sting wears off.
  13. Agree. I think from Northampton on North was somewhat better this year
  14. Was for me too. That was a fun day down here too.
  15. You have at least another month up there I think.
  16. Right last year late summer was stunning but what I am referencing here are days that would be refreshingly brought by cold fronts from mid to late June forward.
  17. This makes a lot of sense but its still depressing.
  18. I got told the other day to not take such occurrences too seriously....I don't enjoy hot summers but I think you're dead on the permafrost and summer cold fronts
  19. I remember days back in the 80s when we would have occasional days in the mid 70s to low 80s and low dews, often accompanied by a decent NW breeze.
  20. My sweet old girl is the same age and the ice has made going outside for her miserable. She keeps going on the living room rug I think bc it feels like soft grass. Just keep cleaning it up, I can't get upset with her.
  21. He reminds me of me ten to fifteen years ago when purple unicorns were building snowmen in his yard
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