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Posts posted by DomNH

  1. 2 minutes ago, OceanStWx said:

    Digging into the 3km NAM rime factors, there is definitely a threat for mixed precip along and just N of Route 2. It has that 2-5 number that is typical of heavily rimed flakes, with true mixed precip values down around the Pike and S. 

    The MHT to PWM line and N looks like they're in a good spot for a nice snowfall.

    Could be kind of high impact if it sticks to pavement. Either way the ugly oak leaf infested pack persists. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, ice1972 said:

    Wait a second.....for how great this event was how does Octobomb compare? lol.....I mean that was so legit......seems this time its happening at an opportune time with all the leaves down and we can all just enjoy it without having to worry about a tree in your grill.....

    This is a highly anomalously cold early season snow but October 2011 is a completely different beast. We may never see that again. My favorite weather event of all time. 

  3. Just now, STILL N OF PIKE said:

    I figured it would be close there On start time. 

    I also I believe I should be fine mostly wet commuting back at 515 A.M. but I other wise would be very concerned due to the volume of cars already mobbing rte3 by 530 and it’s everyones first snow storm if temps were below freezing at 9-10z 

    I can't imagine that roads will be good by 5:15 tomorrow morning with sleet following the thump. It's not like we're going to transition to 40F and rain. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    There's def a chance for 6-8 N of the pike IMHO and outside of 128....I don't think the chance is strong enough right now to warrant a warning, but it's something that should be kept in the back of our heads. I'd be going 4-8" there....I think the chances of less than 4 inches is fairly low up there. GFS is the only model that threatens it and even the GFS is prob in that 3-4" range.

    It def not an easy forecast. Sleet could always punch in sooner, but those are the risks in such an event.

    I think this is fair. I haven't seen a model sounding that sleets srn NH until some time after 06z. If we can hold on to snow for the majority of the initial thump I can see widespread 4-6'' amounts Rt. 2 north. My biggest fear would be an earlier mix obviously along with mediocre snowgrowth producing like 2-3'' of sand and then pings. 

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