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Posts posted by DomNH

  1. Done except for some light sleet here and there. Didnt clear once the sleet started but final total probably between 6-7’’. Not worth the days of tracking but second warning event of the year nonetheless. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Nice meeting you last night. I too was surprised how young you looked, lol seems like you have been around for a decade here.

    Good call valley >hills

    Great to meet you too. I started posting on Eastern in 2009 or 2010 I think so close...

  3. 38 minutes ago, weatherMA said:

    That's pretty funny I did too until I met you back a few years ago at nashua CWSU lol.

    I haven't been on this forum much in the last few years, hope things are well with you man.


    That's too funny...I'm surprised my posts give off that vibe. Glad I was finally able to come out from behind the screen and set the record straight lol.

    Things are good here, hope they are for you as well. 

  4. Just now, moneypitmike said:

    GFS has all the snow north of MA by 12z.  If that's correct, you'll have flipped well before 5:00 to something other than snow..

    Yeah I'd bet he's hearing pingers on the window by like 3 am. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, ineedsnow said:


    Chuck anything that shows a 0 for pellets because there will definitely be a period of sleet before the switch to freezing rain, but the NAM soundings do look pretty icy for BDL after 12z. I wonder if spots south of BDL like the MMK area might be under the gun for the ice jack. Nrn CT and MA are going to "waste" too much QPF on snow and sleet for damaging ice IMO. 

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