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Posts posted by DomNH

  1. Just now, The 4 Seasons said:

     we've seen massive model discrepancy closer than 24hrs out. Jan 26th 2015 and march 21st 2018.  Every model expect the ec had a Foot+ for sne up until go time on 3/21/18.

    What was the event in like March 2010 that ended up as a sloppy inch or so with some rain that the NAM had as a 12''+ isothermal interior paste bomb like 12 hours out? That was probably the worst I can remember. 

  2. I wouldn't forecast accumulating snow on roads Sat. outside of SE SNE. Meh airmass + March sun angle + -SN = wet. Looks like it's more of a daytime arrival than a nighttime one now. 

  3. Hate to be tracking D10 again but the 3/10-3/11 timeframe looks like it has the biggest major potential to me. I'm not selling Monday yet but that's where I'd be looking for a biggie. 

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  4. 15 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    No actually the opposite. If Monday didn't clear the baroclinic zone well offshore, we d have a legit threat on mar 6-7. Pretty good shortwave diving into lakes at day 6 but there's no thermal gradient to work with so prob just some flurries. 

    Gotcha. It's early but I've been tracking the pattern past the 6-7 threat pretty closely. Travel coming up that weekend. 

  5. Just now, Typhoon Tip said:

    I don't speak for the combined ambit of total technology together with the consortium of finest minds in the arts and crafts of Meteorological deterministic forecasting but from where I'm sitting ... you're not likely mixing from that in the NH region. 

    You may miss... but mixing is would be difficult in this particular pattern make-up.

    I agree...was talking about the forum as a whole. I just don't see anything super interesting about Saturday. It'll be March either KU me or give me 70F. 

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