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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. SWFE climo rearing its ugly head. The warm tongue probably knocks on my door. Does look more and more like the usual 4-8’’ in the Route 2/SNH area. I’ll probably end up doing fairly well.
  2. 12z Euro looked like typical SWFE climo. 4-8'' N of the Pike into S NH.
  3. I feel you on this. Our program was very, very heavy on the math and science and light on practical application. I think they've worked to change that a little bit since I graduated but I'm not sure how much.
  4. I'm not too impressed up this way. Lift looks meh and there is some dry air in the DGZ. Expecting a 1-3''/2-4'' of sand type deal. Front ender looks more exciting by the Pike.
  5. Yep, BUFKIT is definitely your best friend when it comes to looking at the DGZ and trying to find funky dry layers. That BDL cross-section is an excellent signature for a short period of heavy high ratio snow. Of course BUFKIT and coolwx is limited to the American models. You can get some coarse SKEW-Ts for the globals but I don't know if there is anywhere to get cross-sections. Checking the cross-sections is good practice for any snow forecast. Sometimes you can find some flags.
  6. I agree that upgrade was a disaster but there’s an option to use the legacy model site which is what I do.
  7. Accuweather Pro has coarse Euro soundings.
  8. Next weekend blows. No cold air to work with even if it doesn’t cut into Michigan. Cold rain at the Rockefeller tree for me.
  9. Perfect wintry night out there. Right out of the Currier and Ives calendar.
  10. Yeah I know. Hopefully people read it......glad I'm working from home today that's for sure.
  11. I wonder if people knew this was coming. WMUR wasn't hitting it too hard last night. This is going to destroy Rt. 3 this afternoon.
  12. Very Currier and Ives-y here right now.
  13. Anybody that has access to models would be on board with a stormy period around the middle of the month. Hopefully things slow down and push into the next week. I will whine my way to as dry a weekend as possible.
  14. Sun trying to peak through as flurries continue. The events are fun but man my pack enthusiasm has evaporated as I've gotten older. Wish this could magically disappear after the last flake falls.
  15. Sounds about right based on how deep it was when clearing the deck. Definitely a 20+ incher in total.
  16. Lol I'm not sure I didn't get a final for round 1.
  17. Interesting how this storm fits into NWS headline criteria. Technically would have verified two separate warnings under the 12 hour criteria here.
  18. Decent bursts keep rotating through. ASH has been a good spot for some biggies the last few years.
  19. 9.5’’ additional overnight and coming down nicely still. Didn’t get a good final for round 1 but storm total is probably pushing 20’’.
  20. Just woke up and looked out and it’s ripping. Looks like we’ve picked up several inches.
  21. Big fat dendrites. Give me ML magic over a windswept blizzard every day and twice on Sunday.
  22. Not ripping like CT but it’s coming down steadily still. Just solid steady snow for the last couple hours.
  23. HRRR did a pretty decent job highlighting that fronto band stretching from here into CT. Probably only lasts for another couple hours though.
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