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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. I hear some pings and vis has increased. Nasty but wintry.
  2. Dendy melting faster than flakes going through the 700mb layer in his backyard.
  3. Snow is accumulating. It's a mess out there.
  4. Garden variety -SN at the moment. Decent flakes.
  5. Might be straight up low ratio snow right now.
  6. Looks like an IP/ZR mix. Roads look nasty.
  7. Yep. Throw on the helmet tomorrow. IT's going to be a mess.
  8. Must've just changed. It was sleet when I got out of my car around 7:15.
  9. It'll trickle down slowly throughout the night. Probably at or below freezing by some point in the early AM.
  10. Pellets started here about 45 minutes ago or so.
  11. We’re getting scalped. Wouldn’t expect damaging ice.
  12. Can’t lie, I’m bummed out on missing the biggish ice potential. Possibly my favorite meteorological phenomenon.
  13. A bun for bolding the section that mentions Tolland County.
  14. Veritable white Christmas in Nashua. Too bad I’ll be spending it in barren central CT.
  15. Coming down nicely. This is the month of lingering snow.
  16. Not a hint of sleet or ice in the pack. Don't think we transitioned beyond snow grains in the dry slot. Didn't measure before clearing but looked like a solid 3'' at least. Good enough to cover the grass.
  17. Jealous of the glaze down south. Would rather saggy trees than a few inches of snow.
  18. Last 1/2 hour is going to make this respectable. Probably around 3'' or so. Big flakes for now.
  19. "Ripping" sand now. I hate SWFEs and this one is bottom of the barrel.
  20. Eyeballing like 1.5 - 2'' here. Grass is mostly covered.
  21. Probably ripped about 1'' in the last hour. Back to -SN.
  22. Pretty perfect fatties when it's actually coming down. We'll see how long that lasts.
  23. Still think we limp our way to plowable here. It isn’t pretty.
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