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Posts posted by DomNH

  1. 26 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    I'll chime in as well. 

    Do you have bufkit, Ray? If not coolwx.com has great tools to see what you could with bufkit.

    coolwx.com > Hourly forecast models > then you can choose plot, station, and model on the left hand side.

    Here is the 0z 3K NAM for BDL:

    1. the -12C to -18C range is illustrated...this is where snow growth is most optimized

    2. I highlighted by the purple box where the negative values of omega area (negative values of omega indicate rising motion). Notice how you have very negative values of omega right inside the snowgrowth zone...this is referred to as a "cross hair signature". When this occurs and you have sufficient ice and RH in this layer (what's great about bufkit is you can overly RH with this...I'll post an example) you're not only going to maximize snow growth...but you're going to get very intense precip rates

    3. I circled area of dry air in the low-levels around 6z or so...that was my flag for all this


    Now let's look at the RH profile. The time of snow was prior to 12z...well the heaviest anyways. Notice something...very moist...the dry air in the lower levels doesn't take over until around 12z...AFTER the precip has fallen. My mistake here was harping that drier air would be in place earlier...but between 0z-12z...you have a very deep moist profile here (noted by the high RH values through the troposphere



    Yep, BUFKIT is definitely your best friend when it comes to looking at the DGZ and trying to find funky dry layers. That BDL cross-section is an excellent signature for a short period of heavy high ratio snow. Of course BUFKIT and coolwx is limited to the American models. You can get some coarse SKEW-Ts for the globals but I don't know if there is anywhere to get cross-sections. Checking the cross-sections is good practice for any snow forecast. Sometimes you can find some flags.

  2. 1 minute ago, weatherwiz said:

    That's sick!!! I'll have to start going there again. I used to like the page but since they did that face lift a few years ago I think it's been horrific...navigating between products and models and so forth...awful

    I agree that upgrade was a disaster but there’s an option to use the legacy model site which is what I do. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, It's Always Sunny said:

    I still have yet to find a website (including paid) that provides ECMWF soundings.  If anyone knows of them please let me know.  In the meantime I usually have to have 6 windows open with different variables displayed to paint a picture so to speak.

    Accuweather Pro has coarse Euro soundings.

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  4. Just now, J Paul Gordon said:

    I don't ever recall having so much snow in a storm and never having gotten above a WWA. I guess it is the amount over time. Anyhow, I'll take a long lasting snow storm anytime. I get the coverage and the duration. Can't really beat it.

    Interesting how this storm fits into NWS headline criteria. Technically would have verified two separate warnings under the 12 hour criteria here.

  5. I'm only 8 years out of high school and don't remember school being called the day before except only once I think (Jan 2011). Used to wake up, watch the scroll on WMUR, and hope for the best. Seeing Nashua come up then was like seeing my roulette number come up now. The texts and robocalls and tweets can't be any fun. 

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