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Posts posted by DomNH

  1. 7 minutes ago, OceanStWx said:


    Just plugging back in after an delayed Christmas at home, but boy that's some deep cold air through 850 mb on the higher res guidance. Screams sleet.

    I actually think we're probably a little overblown on our snow forecast at the moment. Gets awfully warm at 700 mb, and you know there will be some sneaky warm layers in between.

    Yep. Throw on the helmet tomorrow. IT's going to be a mess. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, 512high said:

    I just pre-salted one large lot, put down heavy, will temps continue to go down? hoping to sleep till 4am or will my work be washed away....temp now 34F

    It'll trickle down slowly throughout the night. Probably at or below freezing by some point in the early AM.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just now, monadnocks said:

    The BOX map has the .25-.5" ice accretion continuing east to about Townsend, MA. Yet, just over the border, GYX has the same range only going through maybe Rindge, NH. For those of us who live relatively near the NH/MA border, it's a conundrum. Do we have a relatively mild case of icing? Again, like so many posters, I'm not rooting for a major ice storm. The great photos of the sun through the iced, bent over branches didn't balance out the twelve days without power. 

    We’re getting scalped. Wouldn’t expect damaging ice. 

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  4. SWFE climo rearing its ugly head. The warm tongue probably knocks on my door. Does look more and more like the usual 4-8’’ in the Route 2/SNH area. I’ll probably end up doing fairly well. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    I've never done so for winter...but it's something I want to do. I really thought when I went back to school I could do a ton more with studying/research and the exact opposite happened...like I don't really think I have gained any additional (or very little) knowledge in winter wx or severe wx forecasting in the past 6-7 years. 

    I'm sure some of the better schools go into some depth/detail on what you mentioned in the bold but not where I went...overall the program is pretty bad. Outside of the equations and atmospheric physics/chemistry (which is tremendous to know and understand and can be a great value when applied to understanding forecast models) I learned absolutely ZERO about forecasting while in school...absolutely nothing. If I never found this board back in 2007 and just went to school I would have little to no knowledge of how to forecast...outside of rip and reading MOS and just looking at the basics on models. 

    In terms of forecast soundings we didn't do much with them...except look at a few examples from some random weather events in the 90's and just go over how to differentiate between Precip-types. 

    I honestly get really pissed when I think about things b/c of how little I learned over the past 6-7 years. Between school and working 2-3 jobs I had zero time to do much in my own time. 

    I feel you on this. Our program was very, very heavy on the math and science and light on practical application. I think they've worked to change that a little bit since I graduated but I'm not sure how much. 

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