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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. I'm pretty sure @HoarfrostHubb was doing naked snow angels in like 2 feet of powder during Oct '11 while back east we were playing cards by candlelight. You guys definitely do get in on those ML bands sometimes.
  2. Last couple of hours helped. Just sucks watching people 40 minutes north get absolutely croaked.
  3. It has been coming down nicely for the last hour or so. Double digits by the skin of our teeth.
  4. Really just weenie -SN that approaches moderate here and there. May be enough to eek us into double digits but mostly just mood snow at this point.
  5. Just ended up not being a good setup for us this time around. If things went 30-40 miles south we'd have fluff up to our knickers and dendrite would be sweeping 3'' of fairy dust off his driveway. We've benefited from it plenty of times, but these nasty subby zones stick out in memory.
  6. Back to mod snow here. Just getting nicked by the goods to the north and west for now.
  7. 00z RGEM absolutely nailed that band.
  8. At least some mood snow started back up.
  9. 9” of absolute powder and now subsidence city. Meh.
  10. Man that FU finger that the short range guidance was hammering is very real. Thought it was coming but it’s brutal. Not even snowing.
  11. Pounding at 2 am, and now congrats dendrite. Wooooooof.
  12. Just woke up to get a glass of water. It’s like 1/4 mile vis +SN.
  13. Yeah like I said earlier I think middle of nowhere NW Hillsborough up through Merrimack get croaked. We’re fringed on the south end. Enough fringe to break double digits? Possible for sure but I’m not super confident.
  14. Ray just swan dived into the Merrimack. Still virga here....not really feeling it but good luck to everyone waking up extra early.
  15. I was mostly just trolling @STILL N OF PIKE but that does sound fun. I’ve hiked some of the Wapack but haven’t snowshoed out there.
  16. I was pretty pessimistic this morning but the runup to the event is looking more promising locally. Still a bit fringed and still think the subby holes will be real, but we should get into the goods a little. I think a place like Antrim NW of here is really going to clean up. I could see the hinterlands of NW Hillsborough County scoring 12-18'' of pure powder.
  17. Was just gonna say it looks like the H7 low skirts the south coast of CT and RI before heading northeast. That's a good look for here.
  18. No I agree that you can go to snow grains when the lift is weak and below the DGZ. I just don't see that happening in that example.
  19. I mean it's maxing at like -5C around H7....I think the p-type algorithm is just garbage.
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