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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. Just some pixie dust stuff so far. Looks on track for another 2-4'' to me.
  2. Going to have to assume the NAM is on crack. 1-3'' here.
  3. Can't think more than 1-4'' here right now. But that's 1 to 4 more inches than I thought we might get yesterday. Congrats to the SE peeps...I don't see this one screwing you.
  4. Actually ended up with about a foot here, so not as much of a porking as I thought but still pretty weak compared to what happened 15 miles to my SE. Two decent events this season I'm ready to melt this and do the dew.
  5. Eyeballing from a second story window but it looks like 9-10’’. Porked.
  6. Cannot stop gagging on exhaust. HREF nailed this area being a local min.
  7. The Rt2 area by Acton is getting absolutely friggen nuked. That’s some seriously impressive stuff on radar.
  8. Just epic stuff along 495 while it’s gently snowing upwards into the breeze over the Quabbin.
  9. Back up to maybe 1/2 - 3/4 mile vis. Eyeballing 6’’. Guessing I’ll wake up to ~ a foot while there are some epic 20’’ amounts just to my SE. oh well.
  10. Several years ago I'd have probably chucked my laptop after seeing that.
  11. Finally ripping. Let's keep it that way for the next few hours.
  12. Glad we don't live in MHT. Talk about sucking exhaust.
  13. Yeah like 4ish OTG and 3/4 - 1 mile vis for the last few hours. Kind of sucking exhaust between the band croaking EMA and the band in the Monads and W MA. Short term stuff crushes though so not super worried about a total screwjob.
  14. Wow. Doubt you're even close to that in Methuen. We're going to need to get into the 2-3''/hr stuff for a bit if we want to make it into the 12-15'' range instead of the pedestrian 9-10'' range. Only like 4'' here.
  15. HRRR gone absolutely wild here over the next 5-6 hours. We'll see.
  16. Returns still kind of petering out as they cross the NH border. It's not bad here but it has been steady moderate instead of +SN. HREF was really flagging this area as a local min while 495 through ORH cleaned up. We'll see.
  17. Nothing very exciting yet. Should improve.
  18. Been kinda meh here since about 4:30. -SN and eyeballing 2-3''.
  19. Back to some good stuff here. Right on the line of decent and meh. Kind of a toaster bath up near MHT and east on radar for the time being. HREF was hammering that.
  20. Best stuff is eroding a bit as it crosses the NH border for now, but still coming down decently. Looks like a couple inches of fluff out there.
  21. Looks like about 1''/hr of pure Currier and Ives stuff in these first bands. Not bad.
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