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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. Looks like another shittastic weekend on tap. This is getting out of hand.
  2. Raining again. Juluary needs to quit.
  3. Raining again. What a ratter of a July this has been so far.
  4. FFW eastern Hillsborough and Rockingham. Not seeing it here but maybe further NE will see some.
  5. Feels more like an October rain than something tropical. Coming down hard but not exciting. Just a garden variety miserable day here.
  6. Sometimes I think that ASOS is in a shed halfway into the woods.
  7. Might be showtime here over the next couple hours. Only 0.68'' in the bucket at ASH so far.
  8. Right in the middle of the band and......it's totally meh.
  9. If wanting to be under the pivot point of one of these rain bands is peak weenieism, well, guess I'm there.
  10. Woke up at 5 to one of the loudest downpours I’ve ever heard. An hour or two of that and we flash for sure.
  11. I also think vaccinated people who are concerned with being in the presence of unvaccinated people are weenies of the highest order. Concerned about the minimal chance of a breakthrough and some cold or flu like symptoms for a few days? 21 bun salute.
  12. I don’t either but I think it is what it is and folks are not changing their minds. I’m vaccinated but personally could not care less if someone chooses not to. If they get sick and have a bad outcome that’s 100% on them at this point.
  13. At least we’ve gone from the certain “apocalyptic” fall and winter 2020-2021 to the “dangerous” fall and winter 2021-2022. This has gone beyond silly at this point. If you're scared, stay home. The rest of us are all set with restrictions and masks.
  14. That was me last year. PITA but still worth it.
  15. We flash. Rivers are low so no concern there.
  16. Lots and lots of rain within an 10 hour period for eastern SNE, though. It's stronger than other guidance too I think.
  17. Seeing some hints of the possibility of a crap Saturday on guidance now. This month blows.
  18. The pivoting comma head is kinda hilarious. If we’re going down let’s go down in flames.
  19. Total washout coming later today. Embrace it.
  20. You're selling 59 pretty short. That's nearly 60!
  21. There are plenty of rabbits in NH. Damn things are all over the place this year. Chipmunks too.
  22. Nice break in the action Saturday afternoon and night though. Of course, Sunday looks pretty shitty so can't win there either.
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