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Everything posted by DomNH

  1. If I was throwing numbers on a map for this area I’d probably cop out and just put 1-2’. Dual low possibility gives me a little bit of pause to just completely chuck them high and far.
  2. Yeah, too early to panic over mesoscale banding stuff, even if there are certain areas more prone to screwholes than others in these setups. I'll wait until tomorrow to congratulate dendrite.
  3. Nah there's definitely a subby hole around 495 on that run. I'm probably on the eastern edge of the deformation there. N ORH to dendrite get smoked.
  4. Well yeah, it was always there. This run it's over your fanny instead of the fish. That said, not sure it even matters unless you're truly a jackpot fetishist.
  5. Getting saggy at my parents’ near Hollis.
  6. I’m downtown having dinner and a little inebriated but looks like it has turned to rain to me.
  7. Yeah there were a lot of red flags. I was with you being too optimistic a couple days ago. Thought we could wring out 3-4’’ but it’s not happening.
  8. Kinda brutal. Dismal snow growth 1 sm vis. Don’t see it getting better
  9. Probably about 1sm right now. Crappy flakes. Starting to stick to untreated roads. I’m gonna guess we end up with like 2’’ at this point.
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