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About terpsnation

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Washington, D.C.

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  1. What a great storm for the D.C. area. Just got back from a 2.5 hour walk around Arlington - beautiful out there. Now back home with a beer in my hand and They Shall Not Grow Old on the TV. What an awesome day.
  2. Latest HRRR says .2 qpf left for DC proper and .3 over Bob's way over the next 4 hours. Looks great to me?
  3. Heaviest snow of the storm so far in Courthouse. Visibility .5 mi.
  4. Pictured: my view while walking home intoxicated from nearby bar in Courthouse
  5. Can't stop staring at fv3 projection of next Sunday tho...
  6. That's what I told my wife before we married...
  7. Not sure you can get a better radar depiction of the DC snow shield...
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