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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. This I can MOST CERTAINLY do without. No need for it to be that cold going into March.
  2. I hope not, but almost every one this season has been that way. Evening start, daybreak finish. Then, whether white or icy, I have to report for work and run my loads. Boss gives us freedom to choose if it's actively snowing and accumulating, but once it stops, we're expected to run. If it stops mid-day or later, I can stay home as I'm first shift and the day is cooked by then, but if it ends early, I can at least get 2/3 to 3/4 of my loads delivered and have to run. Since I'm the primary snow shoveler due to my wife's and mother in law's medical conditions, our stuff doesn't get cleaned properly if I have to work..
  3. Thanks for mentioning me and the wx station. Yes, mine is mounted at 2 meters also, because, like you, the accuracy of temperatures is more important to me than wind gusts. In a perfect world, I'd have a component station where I could mount the wind sensor on the roof, but the world is not perfect (lol) so I make do as is.
  4. This is my second station. My first one was an Accu Rite, and this one is an Ambient Weather. On both stations, I've not been able to record a gust over 30 mph. Even in Hurricane Sandy, the Accu Rite only measured a mid 20's reading. Unless I bought two different stations with defective wind sensors, I'm thinking it's my location that's giving me the low readings. I guess the only way to know would be to try out a station with one of those new hypersonic sensors to see what I'd get with that.
  5. Low was 11.5 here. Not sure what the highest wind was here. My location is sheltered by a V shaped narrow valley as well as a neighborhood full of houses, so my peak gust was 23 mph. More open areas must have been much higher as we had a considerable amount of folks without power here yesterday afternoon and night. Ours flickered a few times, but stayed on. As for the late week threat, it sure does look intriguing. Who gets wet, white, or glazed over is still a question, but an event of some kind looks very likely. Even CTP has rather high pop's for an event that's 4-5 days away.
  6. When the squall hit. This is the 10 minute video I shot timelapsed down to 2.5 minutes...
  7. My wind gusts are low as usual being in a protected valley as well as an urban neighborhood, but rurally they must be pretty fierce. We've had a few power flickers in the past few minutes.
  8. It was very impressive. That radar shot was just after it cleared my house in Tamaqua. We got close to an inch in just 10 minutes. it was bad enough to cause a big, multi-vehicle crash on I-81 just north of the Tamaqua/McAdoo exit.
  9. I haven't heard. For those with Facebook, here's a link to some pics... https://www.facebook.com/118898924788247/posts/5241633379181417/
  10. Maybe. Just glad it hit on a Saturday when I was home.
  11. That's right at the Tamaqua/McAdoo exit about 5 miles from my house.
  12. What it looked like in Tamaqua. Pretty impressive squall. Picked up 3/4 inch. I also shot a 10 minute video prior to taking the pic, but my hands were so numb I had to shut it down and warm up.
  13. Oh, I was just kidding. We all know I'm the forum warmanista, so I had to make an attempt at some humor this morning. It's similar to a big HECS. While I'd rather not have it snow, if it is, I want a big one. Same with this, if it's going to snow, then I'd like to see a blinding, zero visibility, squall blow through here. I'm still a weenie after all, and an anomalous event is fun to track/witness...
  14. You just HAD to show the hour that it's over my house. You just had to...
  15. I don't think I've ever seen a pop so high for an event a week out, but look at my local for Thursday night...
  16. I think I need to take a break from reading this board. This is (and I'm not trolling or being a jerk) seriously depressing me... It might be best for me, and for you guys, so as not to derail the thread or cause problems otherwise.
  17. Yeah, my job is the number one reason for my dislike of snow and ice. If I were driving for an asphalt paving company and got laid off for the winter, I'd say let it rip.
  18. It doesn't have to be 5 and 15 for that, though.
  19. Hate it... I'm sick of this polar crap. Give me seasonal temps. 20 for the low and 35 for the high.
  20. Looks like the rain is moving in quicker than expected. I was under the assumption that it would be a late afternoon arrival, but it appears to be but a few miles away from me here in Sunbury.
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