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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. Yes!!! Yeah, was surprised most streams were running just above normal. Over my way everything is near bankfull.
  2. 2.11" yesterday, and 2.85" for the entire event.
  3. Sure did. If you look at my station stats, I'm at exactly 2 inches (for today) right now and still raining.
  4. Currently up to 1.79" for the day and 2.53" for the event since Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.
  5. Of course I missed it because I had to work, but the Reading and Northern's newly refurbished steam engine made a trip to Tamaqua as part of the testing and break in process. Here's a pic my daughter got of it. Oh, and we got 1.39" today and 2.13" since yesterday. As I type this I just heard a rumble of thunder.
  6. Thats really close to where I live. We should try to meet up...
  7. Everytime that happens, I want to drive into a bridge abutment...
  8. Of course. Sounds strange, but many here are on the opposite end of the spectrum and like single digits and teens in the winter.
  9. Ugh...I absolutely HATE backdoor cold fronts that ruin my heat waves...
  10. I only got to 62 in my backyard today, so you beat me by two degrees.
  11. Back when I did sports photography, my coldest events weren't fall football, but spring baseball, softball, and track.
  12. For those who have Facebook and like old steam trains, the Reading and Northern excursions will feature a much larger locomotive this year! She's almost ready... https://www.facebook.com/groups/88592391823/permalink/10158806989896824/?sfnsn=mo&ref=share
  13. Many times. If only my wife would agree to move to a warmer climate. Then I could be happy and content. Otherwise, I be miserable...
  14. This is ridiculous. For the next week, and beyond, temps in my backyard are going to struggle to even get to 50 degrees. The more I hate on the cold, the longer it's duration.
  15. I can imagine. I usually see at least one buggy a day in my travels.
  16. Disgusting. Every April it's the same thing anymore. Such a cruel month...
  17. Truthfully, I did see some snow (more like graupel) down in Hamburg and Allentown. The Allentown shower the temp was in the low 50's. It's also in the video, which is right now being uploaded to Youtube. It'll probably go public late today or tomorrow morning after it gets to HD status.
  18. There was no snow in Pillow earlier when I went through. in fact, the sun was shining. Check my Youtube channel later this weekend where Pillow makes an appearance in today's video.
  19. Don't ask me how, but they made it through and they're still alive...
  20. Somehow our tulips and hyacinths survived the early week polar plunge. How, I don't know. I didn't cover them and just figured what will be will be. I'll shoot a pic when I get home from work.
  21. 1.34", a few rumbles, one close strike, but not much else. Severe? No. Decent? Yeah.
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