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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. I'm not sure about downright cold for Christmas. 30 for the high is ok. I do like both Thanksgiving and Christmas to be overcast and gray, though.
  2. Me too. Easter is NOT supposed to be cold...
  3. Keep it west of the Susquehanna and I'll be ok with it...
  4. The wife won't move so I'm stuck unless I want a divorce. Add in my mom's health and the fact that I feel I should be out there (AZ) where she lives to help her out doesn't help any. And even with that, my wife will not move out there, even to help her mother in law. So I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place and not doing well right now.
  5. I really need to take a break from the weather in general. This shit is depressing me beyond belief. So much so that if I don't, it WILL be detrimental to my health. All I want is seasonal 60's and 70's. Not more rainy cold...
  6. Thanks for the support guys! It means a lot.
  7. I've thought about that, but I'm not sure if lack of light is the issue. I just hate cold temperatures, and driving a tractor trailer for a living doesn't give me much love for snow, either, unless it's a blockbuster. Thanks for the advice and next time I'm at the doctor I'll ask.
  8. Go back to your own forum or put me on ignore because I will NOT bow down to your orders. I will post as I damn well please, so kindly STFU and GTFO...
  9. Arizona prices are up too. My mom would probably get three times what they paid for it if she sold right now. Thing is, my mom and dad did some major upgrades, and took a reverse mortgage to do it.
  10. Please. There is no need to apologize. The weather will do what it's going to do regardless of what any of us want. I don't want anyone to change their posting on account of my warm bias. We all have our preferences, and I do voice mine, so I would feel bad if somehow I influenced someone to post less or change how they post. I'm just wishing I could relocate to a climate more suitable to my tastes, but with the wife refusing to move, I feel stuck with no option for comfort or happiness.
  11. That's even worse. The colder it is the later in the season the grumpier I get. I'm battling some deep depression and frustration (as is evident in my latest trucking video) and while I don't mention it specifically, the cold and gloomy weather is playing a big part in it.
  12. That's the thing with this. Normally I'd be ecstatic with those temps, but the possibility of following that up with an Easter weekend similar to this one, is disheartening.
  13. Yeah I see he's from New York and uses KDCA as his airport/weather code. I don't mind posters from other regions here as you know, but if he's only here to stir the pot, then he can see his way out.
  14. Who are YOU to tell ME, or anyone else here, to stop whining about the spring weather? I frankly don't give a rats behind that you're loving it. I'm not, and I will continue to post that I don't. Don't like it? Put me on ignore. And there's no way I'll ever be thankful we only get 2 to 3 months of summer.
  15. As much as I'm not liking being under the influence of the trough and the ULL, it does make for some cool looking skies...
  16. Same here in Tamaqua. Just wait 5 minutes...lol
  17. I don't recall what I was about to post and pulled back. But I digress, I did see a couple of mangled flakes when I was driving through Hazleton this morning.
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