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Everything posted by Voyager

  1. Yikes...my Tamaqua forecast for tonight and tomorrow (Sept 15/16) will pretty much be my Arizona forecast in December, January, and February. Tonight Mostly clear, with a low around 44. Calm wind. Friday Sunny, with a high near 75. Calm wind.
  2. I'll be working a Petsmart dedicated account hauling from the DC to the stores.
  3. I am happy to report that I was hired today for a local, home nightly driving job here in Phoenix.
  4. I agree. The low here this morning was 73 degrees...
  5. I'm sure your neighbors are all thankful you didn't...
  6. To add to this, no watch for any event, be it winter storm, tornado, severe thunderstorm, etc, means it's definitely going to happen. I think many of us get caught up in the "hype" and then get disappointed when it doesn't end up happening. I know that I am BIG TIME guilty of this myself...
  7. Radar there looks pretty crappy at the moment...
  8. So far 0.37" here in Sun City, AZ (northwest Phoenix metro) since sunset. I was surprised to see this much from her, but I think we get more as it's storming and pouring again as I type this...
  9. Dollar General just opened up their latest store...
  10. Last night's sunset on my after dinner walk through the neighborhood. Sun dogs courtesy of high clouds from Hurricane Kay out in the Pacific.
  11. West coast tropical systems aren't as rare as you might think. There's been numerous storms that have affected Southern California and Arizona. One that I remember from my previous stint in Phoenix was Nora (1997) which made landfall in the Baja and then rode right up the Colorado River toward Las Vegas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arizona_hurricanes
  12. And thus, the crappy PA weather starts. I like a rainy day, but not when it turns into 3-6 of them in a row.
  13. Was this expected? I don't and can't follow PA weather as close now, so I don't know. I thought the rain was finished yesterday.
  14. Must have gotten bonus rain in Tamaqua today. Final tally seems to be 3.27 inches.
  15. MST nooners... 105 degrees. Making a run for 110 today.
  16. Nope. It's not ice, although that is a big business out here. If everything works out, I'll be hauling to Petsmart stores statewide from the Phoenix distribution center.
  17. Yes. I've got something lined up. Had my physical, drug screen and road test last Thursday. They have to get the drug test results back before they can finalize the offer and have me start orientation.
  18. I have. Even PHX is taking notice as they are indicating lower temps and potential moisture here in the Arzona deserts this upcoming weekend.
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